March 2015 - Congratulations Jake - KS4 Challenge Shield Winner!

Todays KS4 Match for the Lifelines Shield was a site to behold as one contestant simply blew the rest of the field and the water apart! Records tumbled for Jake who's early arrival and careful watching of the water before the match really payed off. Fishing the 4 metre whip Jake landed over 70lb of fish in just 2 hours including 5 carp to 14lb, a Perch at 2lb all backed up with Tench and Roach, a truly awesome achievement. Obviously borrowing WAC Coach Pauls lucky BibnBraces helped!! But just as much praise must be given to the other 4 competitors, its a true test of character to keep going when every time you look round another fish is being played, they also recorded excellent results with Tench, Perch and Roach, which in normal circumstances would have stood them a good chance of winning. Have a great Easter break lads, and see you in a few weeks...where warmer weather will bring even greater catches we are sure